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Full time Sales advisor

Salary: Competitive Salary

Location: Bournemouth

Equal Opportunities

Stevensons is a retailer with diverse and multi-national staff. We value this diversity and maintain a general policy to ensure its continuation and to provide equal opportunity to all current and prospective employees.
As required by statute, Stevensons conforms to the statutory obligations set out in the Human Rights Act (1998), the Race Relations Act (1976) (Amendment) Regulation 2003, the Sex Discrimination Act (1975 and 1986), and the Disability Discrimination Act (1995), Employment Equality (Age) Regulations (2006) and abides by the guidance given in the Commission for Racial Equality's Code of Practice for Employment.
All Directors and staff of Stevensons commit to promoting equality of opportunity for all persons. This means preventing harassment, whether direct or indirect, or treating a person, or group of people, in any way less favourably than others because of their sex, colour, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, nationality or ethnic origin or disability. This applies in relation to all day-to-day operations at Stevensons, as well as providing and advertising opportunities to employees and to decisions to recruit, train, promote or terminate employment. 

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